85. Don't Drink and Drive

One of the most important lessons you should is when you drink, you shouldn't drive. I this the hard way. Last year, I got DUI, which means Driving Under the Influence. If get pulled over and you smell like alcohol, police will ask you to take a breathalyzer . When you do the test, you have to really hard into a machine, which will then you if you are over the limit to a vehicle. The limit is usually .08 blood volume. So, if you pass that, you are to jail.

Even though you won't go to for a long time, you will be suffering consequences of your mistake for a long time. is a list of the things you will to do if you get a DUI: go court, go to alcohol education classes, go to Anonymous, pay a lot of money in fines. you don't want to pay, you will have do community service. I got my DUI almost year ago, and I am still suffering the . I still have 56 hours for community service.

have to update my insurance policy, and deal the Department of Motor Vehicles. You waste a of time and money. It gets difficult to a job, because you have to let your employer know that you have been arrested. It's worth it. If you are thinking about going to celebrate and party with friends and family, one of the following: get a designated driver, the bus or train, or call a cab. may cost you a little bit of money, compared to how much money you will lose you get a DUI, it's nothing. Don't drink drive.