Clam and Clang


Part 1: Recognition: Number 1 to 6. I�ll say 3 words, which is different (1,2, or 3)

Example: clam � clang � clang

1. hams � hams � hangs
2. bomb � bomb � bong
3. swims � swings � swings
4. swimmer � swinger � swimmer
5. dinging � dimming � dinging
6. slim � sling � sling

Part 2: Recognition: Which do you hear? I�ll say a word. Is it ng or m sound?

Example: clam

1. slang
2. ram
3. rim
4. rung
5. brim
6. clang
7. bring
8. swim

Part 3: Which do you hear?

1. a. The girls are swimming in the back. / b. The girls are swinging in the back.
2. a. They made a big bong. / b. They made a big bomb.
3. a. He really enjoys hamming it up. / b. He really enjoys hanging it up.
4. a. They swim every Sunday. / b. They swing every Sunday.

Part 4: Sentences to practice

1. She slammed the door and clamored into the house.
2. They always bring their homework to class.
3. She has many different kinds of rings.
4. The bombings were very scary.
5. Before going to bed, dim the lights to save some power.
6. How many rungs are on this ladder?
7. They never eat ham since it�s against their religion.