Dot and Doubt


Part 1: Recognition: Number 1 to 6. I�ll say 3 words, which one is different (1,2, or 3)
Example: doubt � doubt � dot

1. got � gout � gout
2. Scot � Scot � scout
3. cloud � clod � cloud
4. pond � pond � pound
5. bond � bound � bound
6. shot � shout � shot

Part 2: Recognition: Which do you hear? I�ll say a word. Is it ou or o sound?

Example: dot

1. down
2. spout
3. trot
4. gown
5. bronze
6. pout
7. wand
8. clod

Part 3: Which do you hear?

1. a. Did you see the big clod? / b. Did you see the big cloud?
2. a. We like that Scott. / b. We like that scout.
3. a. She potted all night. / b. She pouted all night.
4. a. They went to the pond. / b. They went to the pound.
5. a. Did you hear the shot? / b. Did you hear the shout?

Part 4: Sentences to practice

1. Don�t prod proud people.
2. Did Don fall down the hill?
3. He is bound to fall in love with a beautiful blond.
4. They poured all the dirt down a spout and into a pond.
5. Most kids benefit from being scouts.
6. We took some pictures of the beautiful clouds we saw in the sky.
7. The tiger was crouching behind some bushes.