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1. I am always on time; you are always ___.
3. The bus ___s at the bus ___.
4. The bus ___es; it gets closer and closer.
5. It is just one ___ from 33rd Street to 34th Street.
8. In Manhattan, avenues run north and south; ___s run east and west.
9. First, he shaves. Second, he showers. Third, he dresses. ___, he leaves his apartment.


2. She ___s her fingers. She ___s her foot. She drinks ___ water.
3. A plane approaches quickly. A bus approaches ___.
4. The train finally ___s 10 minutes late.
6. People like to ___ other people. He looks at the ___ on his wrist.
7. The bus is crowded. Many people ___ next to each other.