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5. Breakfast cereal comes in a ___. Open the top of the ___ and pour the cereal into a bowl.
6. The passenger plane won't ___ in NY until 7 p.m. It took off from LA at 1 p.m.
7. The truck ___ stopped at the red light. He waited for the light to turn green.
9. People ___ their eyes when they hear something they don't like. Their eyes go up and then back down.
10. A ___ is a label. A call ___ is a return label.
11. A ___ is a container. A ___ is usually a box, or stuff inside the box.
12. Did you ___ my doorbell? I didn't hear the bell.


1. You can knock on my door or ring my ___.
2. A ___ identifies or describes a product. The ___ on a candy bar tells you the name of the candy bar.
3. Math is not easy for everyone; it is ___ for many people.
4. You want to talk to a live person on the phone, but sometimes all you get is a ___.
8. Can you hear someone ring your doorbell while you are taking a hot ___?